Wednesday, August 8, 2012

donut melayu

Semalam puteri bersembang ngan someone. Puteri gitau yang puteri terasa nak makan donut..hehehe. Tapi sayangnya semalam tak sempat nak buat. Memandangkan puteri tengah terover rajin ni, puteri pun masuk dapur dan buat donut ciptaan sendiri menggunakan keledek.
Puteri dah lama tak share resipi kat sini kan. Jadi untuk petang ni, puteri share resipi ‘Kuih Keria’
500g keledek
1 cawan tepung gandum
1/2 cawan air
garam secukup rasa
1 cawan gula
minyak untuk menggoreng
1) Keledek dibuang kulit dan dipotong kecil.
2) Rebuskan keledek sehingga lembut. Jangan lupa tambahkan garam.
3) Tuskan air dan lumatkan keledek.
4) Gaul dengan tepung dan uli menjadi gelang kecil.
5) Goreng sehingga kuning keemasan. Angkat dan tuskan minyak
6) Masukkan gula dalam kuali dan masak hingga pekat.
7) Tutup api dan masukkan semula kuih tadi.
8 Kacau rata hingga gula melekat pada kuih.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

honey comb cake / kek sarang lebah (bake)

antara kuih favorite saya terutamanya di waktu bulan Ramadhan

resepi ambil dari blog Mat Gebu - Dapur Tanpa Sempadan
(terima kasih lagi ya, CMG. saya selalu rujuk blog CMG resepi segala ni)

110 gram gula pasir
120 ml air
30 gram mentega
3 biji telur gred "A"
80 gram susu pekat manis
90 gram tepung gandum*
1 1/4 camca teh soda bikarbonat*(*gaul rata dan ayak) 


1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C, lenser tin berukuran 7 x7 x 3 inci dengan mentega, alas dasar tin dengan kertas minyak (mat gebu guna acuan berlubang tengah jenis buatan silicone). 

2. Masak gula pasir hingga menjadi gula hangus, guna api sederhana. Perlahan2 tuangkan air tadi..berhati2 sebab gula akan memercik. Kacau rata dan masukkan mentega, biar mentega larut. Sejukkan.

3. Putar telur hingga berbuih. masukkan susu pekat manis dan putar hingga sebati. Pada kelajuan sederhana, masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit. Putar rata, tuang gula hangus tadi dam gaul rata. Perap adunan tadi 2-3 jam..

4. Bakar selama 50 minit hingga 1 jam, bergantung pada oven masing2. Uji kek dengan mencucuk lidi sate, bila keluar bersih, tanda kek telah masak. Keluar dan dari acuan dan biar sejuk sebelum dipotong...

* CMG kemudiannya tidak berpuas hati dengan sarang lebah kepunyaannya. Beliau mencuba untuk kali kedua dengan menambah sukatan baking soda (1/2 sudu teh lagi). Saya juga mengikut jejak langkahnya ini.

* Untuk memudahkan saya membuat gula hangusnya saya menggunakan skillet/non-stick pan.

* Saya memerap/membiarkan adunan ini selama 2 jam sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam oven.

sumber :


Click here to find out more!
Light, Crisp Waffles Recipe

Light, Crisp Waffles

One Star Two Stars Three Stars Four Stars Five Stars read reviews (42)
Serve with melted butter and warm maple syrup, or try making your own Brown Sugar Syrup.Yields four or five 8-inch waffles.
To learn more, read the article:
Finally, A Crisp Waffle
Click here to find out more!
Click here to find out more!
3-1/2 oz. (3/4 cup) bleached all-purpose flour 
1 oz. (1/4 cup) cornstarch 
1/2 tsp. salt 
1/2 tsp. baking powder 
1/4 tsp. baking soda 
3/4 cup buttermilk 
1/4 cup milk 
6 Tbs. vegetable oil 
1 large egg, separated 
1 Tbs. sugar 
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 

Heat the oven to 200°F and heat the waffle iron. Mix the flour, cornstarch, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in a medium bowl. Measure the buttermilk, milk, and vegetable oil in a Pyrex measuring cup; mix in the egg yolk and set aside.

In another bowl, beat the egg white almost to soft peaks. Sprinkle in the sugar and continue to beat until the peaks are firm and glossy. Beat in the vanilla.

Pour the buttermilk mixture into the dry ingredients and whisk until just mixed. Drop the whipped egg white onto the batter in dollops and fold in with a spatula until just incorporated.

Pour the batter onto the hot waffle iron (mine takes about 2/3 cup) and cook until the waffle is crisp and nutty brown (follow the manufacturer's instructions for timing at first and then adjust to your liking). Set the waffle directly on the oven rack to keep it warm and crisp. Repeat with the remaining batter, holding the waffles in the oven (don't stack them). When all the waffles are cooked, serve immediately.


Whole-Grain Waffles
Add 1/4 cup wheat germ to the dry ingredients.
Chocolate Chip Waffles
Stir 1/2 cup coarsely chopped chocolate chips (or 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips) into the batter.
Cornmeal WafflesSubstitute 1/2 cup cornmeal for 1/2 cup of the flour (keep the cornstarch).
Cranberry Orange Waffles
Stir 2 tsp. finely grated orange zest and 1/2 cup coarsely chopped dried cranberries into the batter.

nutrition information (per serving):
Size : per waffle; Calories (kcal): 290; Fat (g): 18; Fat Calories (kcal): 160; Saturated Fat (g): 3; Protein (g): 5; Monounsaturated Fat (g): 4; Carbohydrates (g): 25; Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 10; Sodium (mg): 380; Cholesterol (mg): 45; Fiber (g): 1;
photo: Scott Phillips
From Fine Cooking 47 , pp. 62-65

honeycomb cake / kek sarang lebah

Malaysian Honeycomb Cake Recipe

210g sugar
240g water
80g butter
6 eggs
160g condensed milk
180g all-purpose flour
2½ tsp baking soda
(What’s that? Still haven’t gotten that digital kitchen scale yet? Tsk tsk!)
1. In a saucepan over low heat, caramelize the sugar until it turns a dark golden brown.

Making Caramel Sauce for Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

 Making Caramel Sauce for Honeycomb Cake
2. Slowly and carefully pour the water into the caramel. CAUTION! The caramel is very hot and the water will quickly boil and steam. Stir until the caramel is dissolved in the water and it becomes a thin syrup. Remove from heat.

Pouring Water Into Caramel Sauce for Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

Pouring Water Into Caramel Sauce for Malaysian Honeycomb Cake
3. Add the butter and set the pan aside to cool.

Melting Butter in Caramel Sauce for Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

 Melting Butter in Caramel Sauce for Malaysian Honeycomb Cake
4. Preheat oven to 350*F.
5. Mix together the egg and condensed milk in a bowl.
6. Sift the flour and baking soda together into the egg and milk. Mix well.
7. Pour the caramel butter sauce into the batter and mix well.

Pouring Caramel Butter Sauce in to Malaysian Honeycomb Cake Batter

 Pouring Caramel Butter Sauce in to Malaysian Honeycomb Cake Batter
8. Pour the batter into a greased, 9-inch round cake pan. Let it sit for 5 minutes for the bubbles to begin developing.
9. Bake at 350*F with bottom heat only (no convection!) for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
10. When the cake is cool,turn it out onto a plate. Slice and serve.

Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

 Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How to make macaron (french chef)

Step 1:

140g egg whites at room temperature
180g caster sugar

(tips: the earliest u separate yolk and white, the best result you get. Top is 5 days in advance)

Whisk egg white slowly until no more liquid of egg whites, then speed up and add 90g of caster suger, beat until the egg whites stiff, then add in 90g caster sugar again until sugar is dissolved.

Step 2: Almond & Sugar

160g sifted Ground Almond.
160g icing sugar.
sift them together and weigh them again, get a total of 320g!
add in color and peppermint

Step 3: Macaronage
stir slowly first
then, scartch the surface while accelerating.
stop when it becomes more "liquid"
then pipe them in less humid room such as air-conditioned room.
hit against the table to eliminate the spike.
wait until they are no longer stick to your finger when u touch it.

Step 4: Baking

150 degree Celsius approximately 12 mins until the head and the tail of the macaroon stiff.
It is done. (Finger test)

Step 5: ganache

150g chocolate
7cl of cream or milk
0g of sugar, no need sugar!

microwave the chocolate and mix with cream/milk, then keep in fridge.

step 6: back to the shields

After 10 mins in oven, ( you can open the oven anytime)
Touch on it, it should not be moving or lembik, but must be solid.
after 12 min, it's solid, can be taken out from the oven now.

place the ganche on the shield and cover with another shield, then keep in fridge for 24 hours, and it's ready!

macaron video