Wednesday, January 16, 2013

green tea mochi


<材料> (12個分)
・白玉粉  100g
・水  150ml
・砂糖  70g

・こしあん  240g
・青きな粉  大さじ3
・青きな粉(手粉用)  大さじ1/2

1. こしあんは12等分して丸める。砂糖はふるう。トレーに、青きな粉(大さじ1・1/2)をふるっておく。
2. ぎゅうひを作る。白玉粉は、水を少しずつ加えながら指でもみ混ぜるようにして溶きのばす。砂糖を加え、混ぜる。こして耐熱容器に入れる。
3. ゆるめにラップをかけ、電子レンジで2分加熱する。全体を混ぜ、ふたたびラップをかけて2分加熱する。
4. 全体がなめらかになるまでよく練り混ぜ、1のトレーにあける。2つ折りにし、上から青きな粉(大さじ1)をふりかける。
5. 4が温かいうちに12等分する。手粉(青きな粉)をつけ、丸くのばし、あんを包む。俵形にする。
6. とじ目を下にして、両端をつまみ、「うぐいす」の形に整える。仕上げに青きな粉(大さじ1/2)を上からふりかける。
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red bean paste

Koshian easily in a food processor

  • Less than $ 100


(2-3 servings)

Dried red beans

1 cup (170g)


Half of the weight of red beans (85g)


Moderate amount
Without strain skin nutritious, easily Koshian I make in a food processor.
  • One

    I boiled red beans with soft dry wash.
    In the pressure cooker for about 15 minutes at high pressure. (Adzuki beans. Immersed in water not from the night before)
    to not discard the broth.
  • Two

    I put in a food processor until smooth and sugar with boiled red beans.
    I was transferred to the pot to a smooth paste.
    Put the broth in a food processor, I rinsed off with red beans around.
  • Three

    I will continue to boil over low heat to red beans and broth-like paste.
    Remove from heat to the extent that I think, how a little soft. (Become compacted and cooled slightly.)
  • Four

    Become your sweet red-bean soup (Cheng 400g) set aside roughly the jam, bean paste with water to loosen the pot about 1 cup, and a cup of sugar and boil 3 tablespoons (even if rice cake).
    Become a beautiful pot, there is no waste.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Butter Cookies (Melt-in-mouth Goodies)

Butter Cookies (Melt-in-mouth Goodies)

Do share these butter cookies with your family or friends. Yes, they are like melting moments. Each bit of the buttery cookies will literally melt in your mouth. It’s hard to stop eating after the first bite. I only make these cookies to bring along for our large social gatherings. Sharing is loving. Each person can only have one or two pieces. Not surprisingly, the whole tray was gone within minutes though.

Butter Cookies (Printable recipe)
By Christine's Recipes
Prep time: 30 mins 
Cook time: 15 mins 
Yield: 25 pieces

  • 150 gm plain flour / all-purpose flour
  • 30 gm corn flour / corn starch
  • 20 gm custard powder
  • 160 gm butter, softened at room temperature
  • 50 gm icing sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
How To Make Butter Cookies

  1. Combine the plain flour, corn flour, custard powder  and baking powder and sift through a sieve. Set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the butter and icing sugar until fluffy and pale. Mix in the vanilla extract.
  3. Sift in the flour mixture. Beat at low speed with an electric mixer. Remember to scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula. Lightly knead into a dough. Wrap with a plastic film and roll into a tube in 3½cm thickness. Wrap it up and refrigerate for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until it’s workable.
  4. Preheat oven to 180C / 356F. Line two baking trays with baking paper.
  5. Remove the dough from refrigerator. Slice into 1½cm-thick portions. Place each portion in single layer on the lined trays, each at least 3cm apart. Use a lightly greased fork to gently press the small dough. Bake in preheated oven, for about 15 minutes, or until lightly brown. Remove from oven and let them sit for 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack until completely cool down.
Butter Cookies02

  • If you don’t have two baking trays or your oven is not big enough, you can bake in two batches. Keep the rest of the dough in refrigerator.
  • If the weather is too warm, you find the dough is too greasy. Don’t worry. Just chill the dough for awhile until workable.
  • I love simple cookies with a rustic look. You might like to use a cookies cutter or any moulds to make some delicate patterns on your cookies.

Read more:

cooking blog

Sunday, January 13, 2013

美式基础松饼 America waffle


6位厨友加分 平均3.7
+1分   +2分   +3分   +4分   +5分 





crispy waffle malaysia style

My Resipi: resepi Waffle: "Bahan-bahan ( 4 keping )

1/2 cawan tepung gandum
75 ml susu segar
2 biji telur ( saiz C) asingkan putihnya
1/2 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh minyak masak
1 sudu teh gula halus
secubit garam

Pukul putih telur dan gula hingga kembang dan gebu.Ketepikan
Dlm bekas berasingan,gaul rata telur kuning,tepung( ayak bersama baking powder terlebih dahulu) ,susu,garam,minyak masak. Masukkan adunan ini ke dlm telur putih tadi.Gaul rata.
Panaskan snack maker,sapukan sedikit marjerin ke atas dulang waffle. Masukkan adunan dan bakar kira-kira 2 minit. Sedap di makan dengan jem,kaya,aiskrim atau madu.
Boleh juga di masak dalam kuali.Walaupun rupa tak serupa ,rasanya tetap sama."